Drop-In Consultations

I also offer consultations in a drop-in format for ease of access around topics I am extremely well versed in. These sessions are a great opportunity to dip in for a little problem solving support, learn about a new topic, or talk about the intersections of philosophy, politics, and herbalism. They’re also a great option for careworkers (whether official, volunteer, or DIY) to get some cross-disciplinary information and discussion.

Drop-In consultation time slots are released periodically on MONDAYS, 1 week in advance. You can follow me on instagram for updates.

The topics available for drop-in sessions are:

  • Anticarceral and mad liberarionist approaches to emotional wellbeing
  • Pain management (incl. Chronic & neurological pain)
  • Subclinical rash care
  • Neurological support
  • Nourishment & eating enough
  • Harm reduction/Use-inclusive general health support

Please note that this is not my entire scope–if you are interested in speaking to me about something else, please fill out the interest form for a regular consultation.

In addition to topics, there are three “modes” available to guide our session.

  • Problem-solving: Short-term herbal recommendations and protocol ideas for a particular issue – Let’s dig into what’s happening and get you on your way to remedying it!
  • Intro & Orientation: An informal, personalized crash course on herbalism as it relates to your topic – Want to learn about one of these topics, in general or in the context of something in your life like personal practice, work, or volunteering? Let’s get into a customized introduction, common pitfalls and misconceptions, and strategies/resources for learning more.
  • Lens building: An introspective chat session on applying big ideas (like mad liberation, harm reduction, abolition, holistic thinking, and anarchy) to your personal or carework practice – Let’s talk about what philosophy & ethics have to do with things like protocol design, clinical practices, self-care, and using healing as a liberationist act.

Sliding Scale & Booking

The recommended donation for drop-in sessions is $20-$50, NOTAFLOF. Payable via ko-fi (accepts paypal & credit cards) or cashapp.

Appointment slots are booked via google calendar. Just select your slot and provide preferred contact info, topic, & mode choices to sign up!